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10 Ways to Share Your Creativity and Get Discovered


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Learn to Take a Punch.

Words & phrases

take a punch 承受打击:在面对困难或挑战时,能够承受并坚强地应对。

He can take a punch and keep going.



  • n.一拳,一击;<非正式>(出拳打击时所需要的)力量;感染力,活力;打孔器,穿孔机;孔洞;压印器,冲压机;潘趣酒(由果汁和酒制成的甜味饮品);庞奇(奇形怪状、钩鼻、驼背的小丑,木偶戏《庞奇和朱迪》中的男主角)(Punch);(矮壮的)萨福克驮马(Suffolk punch) ;(矮壮的)萨福克驮马(Suffolk punch)

  • v.用拳猛击(某人或某物);按(按钮或键);(用工具或机器)打孔,扎眼;<美>(用刺棒)赶(牲口) ;<美>(用刺棒)赶(牲口)

She landed a punch on his chin.


Let'em Take Their Best Shot.

“I ain’t going to give up. Every time you think I’m one place, I’m going to show up someplace else. I come pre-hated. Take your best shot.”
—Cyndi Lauper

Words & phrases 'em: pron. 他们;她们;它们(them 的缩略形式)

Let's give 'em a big hand.


ain't: / eɪnt / contr. 不是;没有

Ain't it gay?


ain't no 非常口语化的否定表达,意为“没有”或“不是”。通常用于强调否定或表示强烈的拒绝或否认

There ain't no way I'm going to that party.


hated adj.令人讨厌的,被憎恨的:引起强烈反感或憎恨的。

He is the most hated person in the office.


Take your best shot 尽力而为:尽力去做某事,尽最大努力去达成目标。

Let's keep it clean, everyone -- tell us who you are, and then take your best shot.


Designer Mike Monteiro says that the most valuable skill he picked up in art school was learning how to take a punch. He and his fellow classmates were absolutely brutal during critiques. “We were basically trying to see if we could get each other to drop out of school.” Those vicious critiques taught him not to take criticism personally.

Words & phrases

fellow classmate 同班同学:指与自己在同一个班级的同学。

I enjoy spending time with my fellow classmates.


brutal adj.野蛮的,凶残的;毫不掩饰的,直截了当的;令人不快的,糟糕的

They lived in happy insulation from brutal facts.



  • n.评论文章,评论;批判

  • v.对……发表评论,评判

Remind the person that this is your point of view, and then invite critique.


drop out of: 退出,退学,退出(某个组织或活动)

He decided to drop out of college and pursue his dream of becoming a musician.


vicious / ˈvɪʃəs / adj.凶险的,会造成伤害的;严厉的,恶毒的,恶意的;剧烈的,恶劣的;<文>不道德的,罪恶的;<古>(语言,推理)不完善的,谬误的

We need to break the vicious cycle of violence and counterviolence.


take sth personally 认为别人冒犯了自己:当别人并没有冒犯你时,却认为别人冒犯了你。

should never take criticism personally 永远不要把批评放在心上

I have heard people say that a writer should never take criticism personally.



坦然面对打击。Take a punch! Do not take criticism personally.

When you put your work out into the world, you have to be ready for the good, the bad, and the ugly. The more people come across your work, the more criticism you’ll face. Here’s how to take punches:

Relax and breathe. The trouble with imaginative people is that we’re good at picturing the worst that could happen to us. Fear is often just the imagination taking a wrong turn. Bad criticism is not the end of the world. As far as I know, no one has ever died from a bad review. Take a deep breath and accept whatever comes. (Consider practicing meditation—it works for me.)

Strengthen your neck. The way to be able to take a punch is to practice getting hit a lot. Put out a lot of work. Let people take their best shot at it. Then make even more work and keep putting it out there. The more criticism you take, the more you realize it can’t hurt you.

Words & phrases

come across




I hope we can come across with a solution to this problem.


Roll with the punches. Keep moving. Every piece of criticism is an opportunity for new work. You can’t control what sort of criticism you receive, but you can control how you react to it. Sometimes when people hate something about your work, it’s fun to push that element even further. To make something they’d hate even more. Having your work hated by certain people is a badge of honor.

Words & phrases

roll with the punches 适应困境或挫折,接受并应对生活中的困难或不利情况

Life is full of challenges, but if you learn to roll with the punches, you can overcome them.


roll with 随波逐流,顺应:指在面对困难或变化时,能够适应并继续前进。

When life gets tough, you just have to roll with it.



  • n.徽章,奖章;标记,象征

  • v.给予……徽章(或标记)

She pinned the badge onto her jacket.


Protect your vulnerable areas. If you have work that is too sensitive or too close to you to be exposed to criticism, keep it hidden. But remember what writer Colin Marshall says: Compulsive avoidance of embarrassment is a form of suicide.” If you spend your life avoiding vulnerability, you and your work will never truly connect with other people.

Words & phrases

compulsive adj.难以抑制的,不能自拔的;引人入胜的

Her new series is compulsive viewing.



  • n.自杀;自杀者;自杀性的行为,自取灭亡的行为;<美>(篮球中的)自杀训练

  • adj.自杀的,与自杀有关的

  • v.自杀

What are the signs that foreshadow a suicide?



vulnerability n.易损性,弱点;(桥牌)局况

A baby is the embodiment of vulnerability.


Keep your balance. You have to remember that your work is something you do, not who you are. This is especially hard for artists to accept, as so much of what they do is personal. Keep close to your family, friends, and the people who love you for you, not just the work.

Words & phrases

keep close to 保持接近:保持你的意图行动秘密。

The novel, we feel, should keep close to life.



只要你把作品发布在网上,你就要面对好的、坏的、丑陋的!你遇到的人越多,你面临这种概率就越大。下面是一些好的建议to take a punch:

  • 放松 & 深呼吸:没人会因为恶意评论而到达世界末日。坦然面对一切;(试试冥想?对作者很有用!)

  • 暴风雨来的越猛烈,我的take a punch的能力就会越强!我接受到的批评越多,我就越会感觉没什么能伤害到我。

  • 顺应逆境!每一个批评都是一次新作品的新机会。我控制不了能接收到什么样的criticism,但是我可以控制自己如何面对。或许,别人越批评的元素你越可以走更远。有时候反而让某类人非常痛恨的东西,证明那个东西是一个荣誉勋章:P

  • 如果有些内容真的距离自己太近,不能分享那就隐藏起来。但是也要记住:“强迫性地避免尴尬是一种自杀。”所以,如果没有面对血淋淋的批评,可能作品永远有和别人连接的机会!

  • 保持平衡,你的工作只是你的工作,你的工作不是你本人。所以,和你的家人、朋友,爱你的和你爱的人,保持亲近!

The trick is not caring what EVERYBODY thinks of you and just caring about what the RIGHT people think of you.”
—Brian Michael Bendis

Words & phrases

the trick is: 诀窍是

The trick is to pick the animal up by the back of its neck.


think of


I always think of my family when I'm away.



Can you think of a better solution to this problem?



I often think of my childhood friends.


Don't feed the trolls.

Words & phrases

Don't Feed the Trolls: 别喂巨魔 别喂巨魔(Don't Feed the Trolls)是一款益智小游戏,游戏和打地鼠类似,不过难度增加了很多。

troll / troʊl /

  • n.巨怪,侏儒怪物;恶意挑衅的帖子,发挑衅帖子的人;曳绳钓鱼法中用的曳绳或鱼饵;用曳绳法钓鱼;轮唱

  • v.拖捞,拖钓;搜寻,寻找;随便浏览,随便翻翻;<英>闲逛,游荡;(无缘由地在网际网路上某处)留下侮辱性的讯息;快乐地唱

I lock my office door and put up a Post-It note that says, "Writing Troll – Get Back!" which has a picture of a troll on it.

我锁上办公室并在门上贴上便利贴,上面写着 “写作巨魔——请回!” ,上面还有巨魔的一幅画。

The first step in evaluating feedback is sizing up who it came from. You want feedback from people who care about you and what you do. Be extra wary of feedback from anybody who falls outside of that circle.

Words & phrases

size up v.打量;估计……的大小;判断;(使)符合要求或规格;评估

Second, face-to-face contact allows us to size up others.


wary adj.小心翼翼的,谨慎的,警戒的

Be wary of strangers who offer you a ride.


be wary of: 对......保持警惕:对某人或某事保持谨慎和警惕,以防受到伤害或损失。

Be wary of strangers offering you a deal that seems too good to be true.




A troll is a person who isn’t interested in improving your work, only provoking you with hateful, aggressive, or upsetting talk. You will gain nothing by engaging with these people. Don’t feed them, and they’ll usually go away.

Words & phrases


  • adj.刺激的;令人生气的;激怒人的

  • v.刺激;激怒挑拨;诱发;鼓动(provoke 的现在分词)

This is an entertaining yet thought-provoking film.



  • adj.令人心烦意乱的,令人苦恼的

  • n.缩锻,镦锻;倾复,倒转

She was afraid of upsetting her parents.


engage with 与......互动:与某人或某事物建立联系或参与其中。在正式场合中,它表示与某人或某事物发生互动或交流。

The company needs to engage with its customers to understand their needs.




Trolls can come out of nowhere and pop up in unexpected places. Right after my son was born, this woman (presumably a follower, if not a fan) got on Twitter and sent me half a dozen tweets about how she just knew my book Steal Like an Artist was written by somebody without kids, and just you wait, mister. She then proceeded to quote passages from the book, followed by little ejaculations like, “Ha! Try that when you’re up at three a.m. with a crying baby!”

Words & phrases

presumably adv.大概,可能

I couldn't concentrate, presumably because I was so tired.


dozen n.一打,十二个;大量,许多;十多个

Packages arrived by the dozen from America.


half a dozen 六个:表示数量为六的事物。

She bought half a dozen apples from the market.


just you wait 你等着瞧:表示警告或承诺,暗示即将发生的事情会让对方改变看法或后悔。

Just you wait, I'll prove you wrong.



  • n.先生;平民

  • vt.称……先生

Please, mister, can we have our ball back?


ejaculations n.[生理] 射精;突然说出

Ha!: (表示惊异,愉快,怀疑,胜利等)哈;(笑声)哈;(认为某事并不可笑)哈

Ha! It serves you right!




Now, I have been on the Internet a long time. I get a lot of emails from people who are, as far as I can tell, sad, awful, or completely insane. I have a pretty good mental firewall that filters what I let get to me.

This woman got to me.

Because, of course, the worst troll is the one that lives in your head. It’s the voice that tells you you’re not good enough, that you suck, and that you’ll never amount to anything. It’s the voice that told me I’d never write another good word after becoming a father. It is one thing to have the troll in your brain, it is another thing to have a stranger hold a megaphone up to it and let it shout.

Words & phrases

get to


I finally managed to get to the party after a long day at work.



Let's get to work and finish this project.




I've been trying to get to know my new colleague.


you suck: 你很糟糕,你很差劲:一种用来表示对某人或某事失望、不满或不喜欢的说法。

I can't believe you lost the game again. You suck!


You'll never amount to anything. 你从未完成任何事。

amount to


His actions amount to a betrayal of trust.



megaphone / ˈmeɡəfoʊn /

  • n.扩音器,喇叭筒

  • vt.用扩音器对……讲话

  • vi.用扩音器传达

A megaphone boomed out, "This is the police."


Do you have a troll problem? Use the block button on social media sites. Delete nasty comments. My wife is fond of saying, “If someone took a dump in your living room, you wouldn’t let it sit there, would you?” Nasty comments are the same—they should be scooped up and thrown in the trash.

Words & phrases


  • adj.恶毒的,凶相的;令人不快的,令人厌恶的;(伤口、疾病等)严重的,恶性的;污秽的,下流的;(外表)丑陋的,(气味等)难闻的;造成很大伤害的;令人担忧的,难对付的;有威胁性的,吓人的

  • n.<非正式>令人不快的人(或事),危害别人的人(或事);<非正式>恐怖录像(或影片)

That was a nasty little trick.


be fond of 喜欢,钟爱

Do you want him to be fond of you?


take a dump: 上厕所:指进行大便,俚语表达。


  • I need to take a dump before we leave.

  • 我们离开之前我需要排便。

scoop up: 捞起:用手或工具将物体从容器或表面上拿起。以快速和热切的方式取或购买(某物)

He adds that he is keeping cash on hand to scoop up assets should markets correct further.



别人在你卧室take a dump,你会容忍它在那里吗?清除它!

At some point, you might consider turning off comments completely. Having a form for comments is the same as inviting comments. “There’s never a space under paintings in a gallery where someone writes their opinion,” says cartoonist Natalie Dee. “When you get to the end of a book, you don’t have to see what everyone else thought of it.” Let people contact you directly or let them copy your work over to their own spaces and talk about it all they want.

Words & phrases

at some point 在某个时间点;在一个不确定的时间点

I will visit Paris at some point in the future.


gallery n.美术馆,画廊;(大厅的)楼座,楼上旁听席;(剧场中的)顶层楼座;阳台,露台;一群(相似的人或物);长廊,走廊;(矿井下的)巷道;观众

We zoomed through the gallery.


